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If it is time for your company to start considering all the pluses and minuses of an office coffee service and it all seems like a tremendous drag, fear not. Today, the Corporate Essentials coffee crew is switching gears to bring you a relaxing process to think through all those things related to your office coffee service.

NYC is rich with coffee, offices and surprisingly innovative ways to grow fresh fruit and vegetables, so grab a drink and take a deep breath – all of this is easier than you think.

Choose your favorite crops

When you plan your garden in the late winter, the first thing you do is figure out which things you want to grow – more often than not, the best way to make that decision is by thinking about your ultimate goals for the things you produce. If you have a gift for making jam and pies, a solid selection of berries will make for a wonderful garden, whereas pickle wizard will work wonders with an assortment of vegetables.

Similarly when you are deciding on an office coffee service, the break room needs of your NYC office have to be at the front of your mind. To make sure you include all the most important aspects of your office coffee service agreement:

  • Survey your staff: you will never know what your teams want unless you ask them, so ask them! Ask what coffee they want, when they want it, how much of it they think they need to be truly happy and be sure to include a point in your survey that allows staff to make suggestions in case you have overlooked something.
  • Compare products: most office coffee services in NYC have a variety of products and equipment on offer at various price points – what separates them from one another is the quality of the products and coffee machines they provide. Be sure you are comparing apples to apples to get the best results with your NYC office coffee service.
  • Aim for flexibility: there is always going to be something someone has overlooked, and that is where the benefit of a flexible office coffee service agreement will come in handy.

Just as you would research which plants will grow best in the local soil, it is imperative to think through what coffee products and equipment you need to keep the staff in your New York office content, and find a coffee service company that is able to meet all those needs.

Get your hands dirty

The next step in your gardening journey is the part where you sow the seeds and plant them into the actual garden. You have taken great care, selected them wisely and prepared the ground accordingly so the next logical thing to do is get busy with your trowel and plant those seeds. Getting started with your NYC office coffee service is not so different – you made some great product choices and selected ideal equipment for your break room.

The next inevitable step is taking the plunge and getting the office coffee delivery started. When you are getting started with office coffee service, there are bound to be bumps in the road – what will set a great NYC office coffee service apart from one that is merely good enough is their ability to adapt to your needs as you and your teams learn the ropes of your new office coffee equipment. This is where working with a flexible office coffee service in NYC pays dividends, because:

  • Training matters: having the ability to call an office coffee machine expert and ask questions – or better still, have a coffee machine guru come in and train your teams – is a huge benefit for everyone interested in enjoying the coffee in your office.
  • Repairs and servicing: working with an office coffee service that provides on-site repair and rapid servicing of your coffee machines is vital to the success of your break room – after all, what good is the office coffee if no one can brew it.
  • Taste success: the other important initial component of your office coffee service is inviting all your employees to come and sample the amazing flavor of your new office coffee. This encourages people to get involved in the office coffee culture from day one.

While sowing seeds can be laborious and time consuming, fine-tuning the needs your teams have for office coffee products and equipment can be simple with the help of a great office coffee service.

Tend to your crops

The third part of this journey through the process of cultivating an amazing office coffee service for your New York City office is the most rewarding. In the garden, you spend the majority of the time between sowing your seeds and harvesting your crops simply tending the plants.

Weeding, fending off pests, watering and nurturing the plants as they grow is an easy routine to fall into – but can be easy to forget as well. To get the most of your office coffee service, your break room requires similar attention:

  • Change it up: this is the weeding of the office coffee world. Pay attention to seasonal offerings, coffee trends and other break room innovations that might benefit your teams and ask your coffee concierge to help get those products into your office.
  • Keep talking: be sure you continue to survey the teams in your workplace about the products they would like to see and their satisfaction with your current break room line up – think of this as watering your garden, it is easy enough to automate and absolutely vital for success.
  • Stay engaged: both with the people who use your break room and those who supply the products and equipment that help make it a success. This is how you keep slugs out of your garden – and it is how you can keep your break room from becoming a blasé place where no one really wants to go. Use your office coffee service connection to keep inspiring your colleagues, coworkers and visitors to experience new flavors and products – and also to ensure your office coffee equipment is always in perfect working order.

Keeping tabs on what people in the building think of your office coffee service, and ensuring the products they hope to find are always available, is the number one way to make sure your staff feel like the break room exists as a benefit to them. And employees who are engaged with the break room are plugged in at work on a much more beneficial level.

Whether your company is just starting to explore the benefits office coffee can bring to your NYC firm or you are veterans of a break room empire and looking for ways to enhance the experience for your staff, the crew at Corporate Essentials is here to help. Contact one of our coffee experts today to see how we can put nearly 20 years of office coffee service experience to work helping you grow stronger teams, better results and amazing workplace culture.

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Joe Simonovich

Joe has a strong background in marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). The start to his career as a customer service representative has given him a unique foundation and different perspective on almost all business-related situations. Joe is now the Chief Growth Officer (and Director of Creating Awesomeness) at Corporate Essentials. He brings a unique skill set and a hands-on approach to any leadership role and believes that hustle is simply a way of life.