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The next time you are sitting at your desk, warming your hands on a steaming cup of coffee, reflect on the fact that this simple act may be good for you. Whether you prefer it brewed in a traditional coffee maker, French press, single-serve machine, or cold brew, the benefits of coffee are numerous. In fact, coffee’s active ingredient, caffeine, can prevent a long list of conditions and provide some positive effects on our mental state.

Thanks to caffeine’s stimulant effects, coffee helps sharpen memory, enhance productivity, and elevate mood and energy levels–all good benefits when it comes to working and being with fellow team members. But it may do more than that. A recent article in the New York Times states that coffee consumption “has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, depression, suicide, cirrhosis, liver cancer, melanoma, and prostate cancer.” It also boosts metabolism and helps the body burn fat. Oh, did you know that a cup of coffee is also filled with antioxidants?

Drink up!

As noted in the article, coffee sales kept neighborhood shops in New York City going during the pandemic lockdown. Aside from these shops’ financial health, the article also cites impressive health statistics about coffee consumption:

  • Consuming four or five eight-ounce cups of coffee a day (or about 400 mg. of caffeine) was associated with reduced death rates.
  • In a 30-year study of more than 200,000 participants, those who drank three to five cups of coffee a day (with or without caffeine) were 15%  less likely to die early from all causes than were people who shunned coffee.
  • A 50%  reduction in the risk of suicide among both men and women who were moderate coffee drinkers was noted, with the theory that caffeine boosts the production of brain chemicals that have antidepressant effects.

Coffee at work – fueling positive vibes, conversation, and happy employees

Although the clinically measured health benefits are good news for coffee fans, the beverage brews up some excellent social, emotional, and psychological benefits as well. Taking the studies from the article a step further, there are other elements of this morning (or afternoon) tradition that can be good for your well-being at work.

As employees return to the workplace, many will be clamoring for that shared cup of coffee before the workday starts, or at break time during the day. Coffee is part of the workplace experience, a fundamental way to fuel collegiality and conversation.

For those who enjoy their first (or second) cup on the job, the tradition offers the chance to catch up with colleagues, discuss last night’s game or favorite TV show, and transition into a busy workday in a calm, collected, and mindful way.  Meeting a friend or co-worker for coffee helps to elevate the mind and spirit. That midday coffee break energizes employees and preps them for that home stretch of the workday. And our favorite mug accompanies us throughout the day and office while discussing new business deals, brainstorming with our team, or debriefing post-meeting.

The bottom line: people love a great cup of coffee and they especially enjoy one (or two) at work. What’s in your break room or coffee station? At Corporate Essentials, we can help you bring all the goodness of locally roasted and premium coffees to your team to perk up their day and show them how much you appreciate them. From barista-style brews ordered through an app to cafe-style coffee brewed in traditional equipment, we have the coffee, snacks, and other goodies to keep your team fueled, happy, and glad to be back at work

We’re happy to tell you more over a great cup of coffee! Contact us for a complimentary break room assessment to determine which machines are best for your office in NJ, Manhattan, or Brooklyn.

Reimagine Your Break Room

Judson Kleinman

As the founder and CEO of Corporate Essentials, Judson set out with every intention of bringing a new meaning to the words "office culture". As leaders in the industry, his company constantly sets the bar by investing in, and improving their product offerings, technology, people and training. 20 years and 1500 clients later, Judson can proudly say that Corporate Essentials continues to positively fuel culture and allow over 150,000 employees to work happy.