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Corporate Essentials is a leading supplier of premium Starbucks coffee to New Jersey, Manhattan and Brooklyn offices, placing your break room in the lap of luxury.

For an unrivaled break room experience, let the iCup Brewer take you from whole bean to a fresh cup of premium Starbucks coffee in under one minute.

The iCup brewer uses filtered water that comes right through your plumbing and offers a no-hassle clean up to complete the process. The only thing this machine can’t do is drink the coffee for you.

Learn more about the Starbucks iCup Brewer >>

If you are looking to meet your employees and customers needs of high quality, variety and an unmatchable coffee experience The Starbucks Serenade Bean-to-Cup is designed for you. 

Its many digital features are meant to bring your company simple recipes with a self-serve convenience. You no longer have to worry about variety and payment options, since it’s 17” touch screen features three different coffee options and payment methods. 

Learn more about the Starbucks Serenade Brewer >>

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