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Every office has its own unique chemistry – when things are in balance, all the departments and processes whiz around together and create something wonderful.

When things are not quite right, the sliding scale of dissatisfaction can start anywhere – and once it does, you can have a hard time getting back to an even keel.

And because no one wants to wallow in the misery of a sluggish workforce where no one feels valued, the Corporate Essentials team has put together this handy guide to combating four key workplace pitfalls with the harmonious influence of office coffee machines.

Defeat the afternoon slump

The arch nemesis of morning productivity arrives at around two o’clock in the afternoon. A while after you have all come back to your desks from lunch at the buffet place up the road, a few of you will notice you are having trouble getting back into the groove of things. And then, this guy arrives. This guy does not show up wearing a cape and horns like the devil he truly is, but rather he approaches softly, in an unassuming pair of khakis and an unremarkable Oxford shirt, he sits down at your desk and does the unthinkable: he yawns.

Before you know what is going on, half the team has their chin resting on their palm during the meeting you spent a week or more organizing and every slouch, every awkward stretch, every stifled yawn you see is 100 percent his fault. He is the afternoon slump. He has tremendous power to derail productive days, efficient meetings and team morale. But he can be stopped.

How can you fend off this sloth-spreading menace? With the help of easy-to-use office coffee machines, of course. By providing an array of functional coffee machines for staff in the break room, you are giving your teams complete control over the afternoon slump and other demons that lurk in the background of all transitional times of day. Whether they need a strong cup of hot black coffee to jump-start a productive afternoon, or a refreshing, icy glass of tea, today’s office coffee machines can be your first line of defense against mediocre performance.

Eliminate the parade of coffee runs

Some days you will notice it starts as soon as your teams arrive – they nominate someone to run to the café a few blocks away and pick up a tray of fresh coffees for the group. While it is great to see your staff come together and collaborate, this probably is not the kind of project you had hoped them to succeed at. In terms of downtime, you are looking at a loss of productivity not just for the person sent out, but for the others who put off the start of their day until the chosen one returns with coffee. You can be facing a waste of dozens of man hours if the café is backed up with other orders or something goes wrong along the way.

Good workers need great coffee, that part is not in dispute. But with a little forethought, you can overhaul the way people in your office get the coffee they crave. Consulting with a team of experts, like the professionals at Corporate Essentials, can help you choose the best office coffee machines for your New Jersey business.

Allowing you to bring the styles and flavors of beverage your colleagues most want right to the break room is just one of the benefits of working with an office coffee service. Being able to teach staff how to craft their own beverages with state-of-the-art office coffee machines is both fun and rewarding for all involved in the process.

Spend money to create savings

In addition to saving time and reducing distractions, providing a fleet of awesome office coffee machines for your staff to brew their beverages with is a great way to help employees save their own money. There is a definite uptick in staff morale when businesses invest in supplies and services for staff that yield actual cash savings.

While office coffee machines are not free, the added value your staff will perceive when offered the option of brewing the fresh Americano they were about to spend $3.50 on up the road is immeasurable. For businesses, this benefit counts both in terms of real cash savings employees can feel in their wallets and the pride of “value” they feel by having their efforts acknowledged in such a practical, tangible way.

Make guests and clients feel welcome

There is nothing worse than going to another office and being greeted with a lukewarm cup of sludge that has a filmy deposit on top. Except, perhaps, going to another office and being more or less ignored. Because most professionals spend more time at work than they do at home, it is second nature to want our business guests to feel a warm welcome when they arrive.

A huge part of this is being able to provide them with a fresh, hand-crafted cup of delicious coffee – but no one wants to be offering substandard beverages to valued clients, colleagues or new recruits. By investing in high-quality office coffee machines as part of your standard office coffee service agreement, you are providing both a great beverage experience for everyone who visits your firm and an opportunity to build a community around the coffee everyone adores. Yes, we said build a community around coffee – it is easier than you think.

Sharing beverages is one of the most grounding things we can do as people. When it comes to office coffee, you have to think of it as a natural link in the chain of building good relationships. Just as you would shake hands when meeting a new recruit, offer them a cup of fresh coffee. In sharing a drink, you are able to have something immediately in common with the guest – even if they take three sugars and you just have a splash of cream. Office coffee machines make more than drinks, they make deals and forge bonds. If that is not a super power, we aren’t sure what is.

When your team is ready to provide a great solution to these common office problems, consult with our team of coffee experts at Corporate Essentials. We are well-versed in all that office coffee machines can do for you, and we’re happy to help you get started.


Joe Simonovich

Joe has a strong background in marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). The start to his career as a customer service representative has given him a unique foundation and different perspective on almost all business-related situations. Joe is now the Chief Growth Officer (and Director of Creating Awesomeness) at Corporate Essentials. He brings a unique skill set and a hands-on approach to any leadership role and believes that hustle is simply a way of life.