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Every office has an unsung hero – that person who sneaks into the break room and drops off a huge pile of fresh-baked cookies whenever it’s someone’s birthday, the guy who knows all the shortcuts for every piece of office software your company relies on or the one who seamlessly makes sure that all the printers always have paper for those pesky TPS reports.

One thing that rarely features in the list of unsung heroes are the office coffee machines that fuel our meetings, keep our staff refreshed and forestall the dreaded two o’clock slump. Today, your trusty coffee experts at Corporate Essentials are going to bring you a look at three of the exceptional benefits that office coffee services bring to your company’s doorstep on a reliable basis.

Better Communication

One of the greatest obstacles growing companies face is keeping the lines of communication open between teams, departments and individuals. The brilliant thing about a well-stocked break room is it provides a great area for people from across the organization to mingle, linger and chat. At the same time, while your employees are kicking back waiting for the gleaming office coffee machines to do their handy work, you have a relatively captive audience.

So consider the break room a great outlet for those company newsletters you wish more people would read, as well as a handy conduit to get information flowing by word of mouth.

The real boon to having a break room with amazing beverages and snacks is that workers from teams all across your organization will have an opportunity to interact, whether they would typically work together or not. The advantage of this is that employees are often able to come up with innovative solutions for problems thanks to getting a genuinely fresh take on things. Many companies report a general uptick in productivity thanks to these impromptu opportunities staff have to consult with one another.

Engaging Atmosphere

When your employees seem to have lost interest in virtually everything within the building, to whom can they turn? Your trusty NYC office coffee machines, of course. By inviting your staff to suggest seasonal products, changes to the rolling lineup of great coffee products or even scheduling special events around the idea of office coffee, you are giving the staff in your building a reason to stand up and take notice.

An office break room stacked with delicious snacks and beverages is nothing without the social interaction that makes enjoying a cup of coffee at work worthwhile. Start building interest in your office break room from the moment you decide to upgrade the office coffee maker in your NYC workplace by involving employees from across the company with:

  • Surveys: ask about the kind of coffee people would most like to see in the break room or what extra items they might like to find to eat.
  • Tastings: one of the best ways to engage your teams in the office coffee system is to invite them to taste the new products that will be available, and learn a little about the new office coffee machines at the same time.
  • Contests: friendly competition is a great way to boost engagement in the office break room, have a suggestion box for picking a “product of the month” or encourage departments to build “brew teams” to prove who makes the best cup of coffee in the building.

The thing to focus on here is simple: your office coffee machines provide a focal point for everyone who uses them, so provide something amazing for them.

Added Value

The benefits of having the best coffee machines in your NYC office are numerous – but one truly stands above the others, and that is the sense of value a solid office coffee service can instill in your employees. The sense of value comes from a number of things, including:

  • Saving time: because no one has to run to the café before the meeting at eleven, and everyone knows they are able to slide into the building and grab a cup of their favorite drink en route to their desk, your new office coffee machines save everyone time.
  • Saving money: coffee might not be the most expensive thing in the world,  but knowing you can skip the $4 latte on the way to work is a genuine benefit for many employees.
  • Being heard: a huge point of value for your colleagues in the office is bound to be the boost to their overall sense of value because you are involving them in the process of establishing an amazing office coffee service – and everyone likes to have their voice heard.

While no one is here to argue that office coffee machines are cheap, what we would hope you can glean from this is that the return on your investment in an office coffee service for your business in NYC is tremendous, particularly where your employees’ feeling of value to the firm is concerned.

Recruitment and retention is a huge expense for companies in NYC, but when you combine benefits like improved communication, an engaging atmosphere and a sense of value come together to give you one thing: happy employees. And as any human resources expert will tell you, a happy employee is far less likely to decide that they need to seek a new job.

When your company is ready to explore the possibilities that a new set of office coffee machines can bring to the break room, contact the team of experts at Corporate Essentials. With going on two decades in the office coffee service industry, we can help you make the most of your investment in office coffee machines to enhance the workplace experience for all of your teams.

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Joe Simonovich

Joe has a strong background in marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). The start to his career as a customer service representative has given him a unique foundation and different perspective on almost all business-related situations. Joe is now the Chief Growth Officer (and Director of Creating Awesomeness) at Corporate Essentials. He brings a unique skill set and a hands-on approach to any leadership role and believes that hustle is simply a way of life.