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Whether your office is nestled in Dumbo at the tip of Brooklyn’s tech triangle or out in the creative Mecca that is Crown Heights, your staff deserves the best when it comes to break room refreshments.

This means finding the best office coffee delivery service you can, but what do you need to consider when sifting through the multitudes of super introductory offers that come your way? Today we’re going to help you focus on five core points to help you find the best office coffee delivery service for your office coffee culture.

Utilize locally roasted coffee

Number one on your list of factors when determining if an office coffee delivery service is right for your office in Brooklyn is whether they have connections to local roasters. Why? Because freshness matters; ­­office coffee matters. Sure, there are plenty of people in your office who are perfectly content with national brand coffee, so long as it is kept fresh and brewed often. But for others, knowing that the coffee they are about to consume has been handcrafted by local artisans is an absolute must.

These are the true coffee aficionados in your office, those who know their Brooklyn Beans from their Toby’s Estate, and will discuss the nuances that separate the two for as long as you are willing to listen. Those people will be delighted to hear that you have managed to sign on with an office coffee delivery service that caters to their well-developed coffee palate, as well as everyone else’s.

Another thing to consider when you are hunting for an office coffee service with connections to local roasters is their understanding of local coffee culture. The benefit here is that an office coffee delivery service with ties to the area will have a better understanding of the products your Brooklyn office staff crave and appreciate. This puts you at a distinct advantage when it comes to providing an awesome assortment of coffee and other products for your office break room.

Ask others for recommendations

The most obvious thing to do when you are looking for new office coffee delivery service firms is ask around. Make inquiries with your other suppliers, contractors and colleagues at other companies in your neighborhood. Ask that new guy in accounts who supplied the office coffee in his last office. Getting a first-hand recommendation from someone you trust is a great step toward finding the ideal office coffee delivery service for your firm.

But, this is about more than asking for recommendations. You have to really consider the recommendations you are given and marry them up with other reviews and information you can find independently about the office coffee delivery service options you are considering.

Always remember to weigh reviews you find online with a few grinds of coffee – but if you can balance what you find independently with what you hear from friends and colleagues, you will be able to sort the great from the mediocre in the world of office coffee delivery.

Look for a company with industry experience

As we have mentioned before, office coffee matters. It matters because there is a lot riding on the office coffee being the right stuff, at the right time, for the right price. That is not the sort of pressure a half-baked operation can stay afloat in for long. So look for office coffee delivery services with a solid, steady track record and client relationships that span years rather than months.

Teams like the expert office coffee suppliers at Corporate Essentials, going on two decades in the office coffee delivery business, are able to provide your company with the coffee and other break room products that your staff need, within a budget and schedule that your management can agree to.

Longevity in the marketplace is about more than keeping clients signed up with you for the long haul. It is also about being in tune with a changing marketplace and constantly watching both the health and beverage sectors for emerging products, trends in flavor and new technologies that can help to make your workplace more inviting, comforting and even enjoyable for staff.

That old axiom rings true: it’s not just about what you’re buying – it is about what you are buying into when you choose an office coffee delivery service.

Make sure they provide high-quality products

Quality counts, in large amounts. A tell tale sign of a high-quality purveyor of office coffee is in the cupping. No really, ask your potential office coffee delivery services for a sample, it should be as simple as that.

Services offering a variety of high-quality office coffee products are willing to provide samples to help you narrow down the specifics of your coffee order, as well as to help you determine how well the coffee equipment and service in general fits within your office culture. For some businesses, these taste tests can provide an excellent opportunity to involve staff in determining the direction for an important part of the work environment.

See which company offers the best variety of products

Consider both the variety of products on offer and how they’re spread through the spectrum of “budget brands” and “top names”. A quick stroll through the aisle of any store will prove that there are plenty of affordable brands of coffee on the market, and a decent percentage of those are of reasonable quality.

The question is whether the office coffee delivery service you are considering for your Brooklyn office offers more than a couple options for the products your staff request. Consider the whole product portfolio on offer; what kinds of products are there; how many offerings are there for each type of product; are there a variety of products at different price points; and, how frequently does the supplier update their catalog of offerings?

Overall, finding the best office coffee delivery service for your Brooklyn business shouldn’t be a hassle, but rather an enjoyable experience. One that allows you to meet professionals who are proud of the products they provide, willing to back up the service they offer and excited to help you establish a better workplace environment for all.

Joe Simonovich

Joe has a strong background in marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). The start to his career as a customer service representative has given him a unique foundation and different perspective on almost all business-related situations. Joe is now the Chief Growth Officer (and Director of Creating Awesomeness) at Corporate Essentials. He brings a unique skill set and a hands-on approach to any leadership role and believes that hustle is simply a way of life.