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Healthy office snacks are a great addition to any break room, and if you are in the market for a healthy snack supplier, it might be hard to figure out where to start. Today, our team of office break room experts here at Corporate Essentials is channeling all their nibbling energy into this quick list of suggestions that will help you focus on what your teams need when they hit the break room for a quick healthy snack.

Defining “healthy”

First and foremost, get a clear notion of what healthy snacks are to the people in your office. You might find a high percentage of staff take part in a gluten-free diet or pursue vegan options as often as possible – if that is the case, look at snack options that cater to those preferences. Solid nutritional choices are about more than fads, but it is important to consider trending snack foods when you are choosing a healthy office snack service.

Find a wide variety of options, fresh as well as shelf-stable offerings, sweet and savory products and snacks that have a solid nutritional profile. Beware the buzzwords “low fat” and “no added sugar” and instead review the ingredients listed on snack foods to check that the choices you offer as “healthy” options are indeed low in processed sugars, refined starches, bad fats and empty calories.

Make it fresh

A great way to incorporate healthy office snacks into your break room is by simply asking your coffee service what seasonal produce and other fresh goods are available. Fruits and vegetables are obvious options, but a great snack service will have connections to kitchens in your area that may be able to provide everything from fresh baked goods to seasonal juices or even granola that has a seasonal flair.

The added bonus of providing fresh snack foods to your break room is that they encourage people to come and try things now rather than waiting until next week – adding to the impetus for people to take regular breaks, add steps to their all-important pedometer counts and interact with their colleagues.

Find it locally

Another excellent way to ensure you are providing healthy office snacks is by asking your snack service representative about locally sourced treats. Great office snack services have connections all over town, for all sorts of special requests.

Whether you need gluten free muffins or simply hope to get fresh, local produce baskets on a regular basis, a great snack service provider will be able to help you dial in local experts to bring the area’s best flavors to your desks.

An unsung benefit of this as an option for your office break room is the kudos you receive from your community for buying local – as well as the reputation your break room will develop for providing a showcase of the best local delicacies among those who visit often.

It better be good

One of the pitfalls of healthy eating fads is that often the food in question is less than palatable for the majority of people. This is why some exotic fruit or another, once heralded as the most healthy thing anyone imagined, will quickly disappear from the public’s shopping lists after a short amount of time –no one wants to eat something that tastes like gym socks on a regular basis.

As with your office coffee service, ask the snack service for samples and see what you think of the local, fresh, seasonal options on offer for your healthy snack food selection. Obviously, we all have different tastes, but by working with your office snack service, you should be able to find great treats to satisfy your teams without going overboard in terms of your budget or their dietary requirements.

Making healthier snack choices is easy for staff when your office snack service has a variety of nutrient rich, inviting flavors on offer. For more information about picking healthy office snacks or the benefits a great office snack service can bring to your break room, contact a member of our expert team today.

With going on two decades of experience in helping companies like yours provide fresh, healthy treats for their employees, we delight in the challenge of finding delectable products to suit the dietary requirements of your teams.

Joe Simonovich

Joe has a strong background in marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). The start to his career as a customer service representative has given him a unique foundation and different perspective on almost all business-related situations. Joe is now the Chief Growth Officer (and Director of Creating Awesomeness) at Corporate Essentials. He brings a unique skill set and a hands-on approach to any leadership role and believes that hustle is simply a way of life.